Couples Counseling

You may lobe one another but that does not mean you will love everything about one another. Call Coral Counseling (714)660-3335 to find ways to navigate through those hurdles in a loving way.

We all have this idea of what a relationship should be, in theory. In practice, things don’t always go according to plan. Whether it is a time consuming job, attachment and communication styles, difficult relationships with the in-laws, or even the way we make big decisions, there will be inevitable disagreements. Everyone says, “compromise is key,” but what does that look like for us? Anyone with siblings can tell you there will be fights—and siblings are generally raised together, taught similar values, and know each other for the majority of their lives. Now put two different people raised in different families, each with their distinct values and ideas in a shared space, and you will have some clashing ideas. However, these disagreements do not mean that the love is lost; it is possible to love someone despite their differences, and even because of them. You may just express that love in different ways, with that loving message getting lost along the way.

At Coral Counseling, couples counseling is about finding solutions that acknowledge the needs of both individuals, not just self-sacrifice, in order to create a united couple. When the going gets tough, I provide counseling to couples as they navigate the tumultuous waters of learning to build relationships that better meet their needs, have the hard conversations, figure out how to love each other in a healthy way. Your relationship may not look like your parent’s relationship; couples counseling gives you the chance to make it your own.


Healing from an affair

Love after Children

Growing Pains


Things did not go according to plan. You thought things were a little rocky but overall okay, and suddenly the discovery came from out of the blue. Or perhaps you had a feeling that something was not quite right, only to find it was bigger than initially imagined.

Deep breath. It is not easy figuring out how to proceed after a breach of trust, especially on your own. I am not here to judge or to criticize anyone. Whether you have decided that you want to try to work things out or are still processing where things took a turn, couples counseling can help guide you through this emotional minefield.

When you are ready, call Coral Counseling to schedule your couples counseling session.

Who here did not feel their stomach drop to the floor moments after your baby was handed to you at the hospital and you were expected to take your bundle of joy home?

Having children is mixture of terror and joy. Whose personality will they have? How will you split the responsibilities of raising the child? How will this affect your relationship? When will you ever get some sleep? Or alone time? You dreamed of what parenting would be like but things are not going how you expected! No one warned you how much energy such a tiny little human requires.

As your attention is consumed and your energy drained, your relationship may take a back seat. Instead, lets work on how we can keep both your child and the relationship thriving.

As we go through life accumulating experiences, encountering new obstacles, discovering new options, we learn and grow. However, we do not always grow at the same rate, or even in the same direction. Ultimately, you may find yourself with a partner you still love but feeling disconnected from.

So many people have come to me with this challenge and have left feeling empowered through couples counseling. Couples counseling helps couples communicate to bridge the gap and identify where you want your relationship to go. Whether you are looking to reconnect with your loved one or are ready to hit refresh on your relationship, counseling is a great way to ensure that you are meeting one another in a mutually supportive place.